Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Academic super genuis!


anyway - I've still gotta post some pics etc from the lamb roasting day, erm - i mean Mikey's Christening/Housewarming party.

but first i thought i'd comment on my studies.

i just submitted a c++ assignment wherein the progam doesnt work/do what it is meant to. Most displeasing as this is the first such that i have submited without being happy with what i have submitted.

has to do with linked lists and hash tables. alas my collisions overwrite the records and i just ran out of time to fix it. so reading 250 records with 190 collisions means i end up with 60 records... :-(

not happy.

happy in other ways tho... the assignment accounts or 5.25 marks of the entire subjects and thus far ive gotten close to full marks for every other assignment/excercise for the subject and distinction level marks for the tests so far... so im not toooo stressed.

tho i doubt i'll get a High Distinction for this subject. Hopefully i'll manage a Distinction tho... with luck and work.

just to clarify im doing a Bachelor of Internet Science and Technology (Internet Applications) (link).
And so far, not including the subject im doing now have done 4 subjects.
(ie 4 subjects per year as studying parttime, 2 per semester. Except this semester im only dong the 1 subject. New baby, new house... subject with high fail rate. and 6 credit pts advanced standing... means 1 subject this semester and back to two next semester. Thus finishing all my needed 1st year subjects this year.)

Anyway, so far ive done:

2005 Autmn --> ECTE195 (Design & Management) - Distinction
2005 Autmn --> CSCI103 (Algorithms and Problem Solving) - High Distinction
2005 Spring --> CSCI114 (Procedural Programming) - High Distinction
2005 Spring --> CSCI102 (Systems) - High Distinction

currently im doing CSCI124 (Applied Programming)
the subject divided in 4 modules. mod1 = 84.5% mod2 87.8% mod 3... i have gotten 15/15 for exercise. But have this bodgy assignment to worry about now. :-( and then the module test. the 4 modules add up to 60% of total mark. Then final exam. I do worse in the module tests than the assignments/exercises normally. Hopefully i can manage a HD (need 85% plus for whole subject) but i think i'll need to hope for a Distinction if im lucky.

Next semester im doing
ECTE182 (Internet Technology 1) .. no worries. should be okay. "this is the www, this is packetswitching etc etc"
STAT131 (Understanding Variation and Uncertainty) ... statistics. *breaks out in a cold sweat* Nooooo! I once made the webpage for this subject. As i made it (and made little graphics for all those annoying little forumla symbols) i said to myself. 'i pity the poor fools who have to do this subject... im glad i do Arts* and never will have the misfortune to do this subject....'


Point being the hard work on some ofthose HD subjects has paid off.
Work is now paying for nearly half my hecs for 5 years... essentially a special study allowance given to a couple Uni employees that i had to apply for... which nets me $1000 per year for 5 years to help pay for the studies as i see fit. Hecs working out at this stage to about $2500+ per year so that helps muchly.


I scored some awards/prizes! wheee!

SITACS Advisory Committee Prize
ELIGIBILITY :The prize shall be open annually to candidates who are enrolled in either the Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology degree or the Bachelor of Computer Science degree and enrolled in CSCI102 Systems. The prize shall be made to the candidate with the highest mark in CSCI102 Systems
VALUE OF PRIZE : Varies annually, but no less than $250 – shared if two or more equal candidates

The Pearson Education Australia Prize
(formerly known as Addison-Wesley Prize) for First Year Bachelor of Computer Science Students
ELIGIBILITY :The prize will be awarded to the candidate with the best average performance in three 100 level CSCI subjects offered by SITACS.
VALUE OF PRIZE : The value of the award will be text books to the value of $150– shared if two or more equal candidates.

This second one is shared... so only $75 for me.

hehe, when i told my mum she sorta mulled it over and said... "I thought you were going to say a couple thousand dollars" *sigh* It'd be nice... but lol.

* Ive done about half a Bachelor of Arts degree (History & Politics), but gave up on that.

oooh im a genuis... i mean genius.