The ECTE182 exam was harder than expected. But did okay.
ECTE192: 87% HD
The STAT131 exam was easier than expected. Was quite happy.
STAT131: 89% HD
Ahh, we journeyed off to the 'near goulbourn' tree farm for a xmas tree. It didnt look quite so big out in the paddock...

but when we got it home... ack. Wouldnt fit in front of window, and so we had to move it,m but it blocks the tv! lol. I lean the ironing board up against the tree when we wanna watch tv and that pushes some of the branches out of the way. hehe

Next year i think we'll have to pick a smaller tree, tho for our first xmas in the house, i think it good that we have an enourmo tree... hehe
Ah andd here's an obligatory mikey shot, we forgot a hat for him when getting the tree, and it ws quite warm and sunny, so my shirt doubled as baby hat:

So anyway, we also have lights on the house. And being as we have that great view, it means our lit up house can be seen from vast distances all around, heheh
We also had Livy's 8th Birtday, and Mikeys first and Kristinas 30th. Ahh busy time of year.
Livy had her Xmas concert. Heaps good. There is a dance where the whole troop splits off to either side of the stage and she's left in the middle to dance forward to front center of stage and then does a sidemount and then drops into the splits. Heaps cool. Total star, hehe
Mikey is a Strongbad fan. Well sorta. I sometimes sing the strongbad techno song to him.
Dum Dum Dum, duda da dum duda da dum.
Dum Dum Dum, duda da dum duda da dum.
Doo Doo dee doo doo Doo Doo dee doo doo
Dum Dum Dum, duda da dum duda da dum.
When i stop he goes 'dum dum dum' and bounces up and down. hehehe
And you ask him "mikey how old are you?" and he holds up 1 finger and says 'Waaauuuun!'
Not quite walking, but has started letting go of things while standing. And still crawls like a rocket.
Spent so much time the last two week working in a map for the BF2 mod POE2. I had started a map months ago just for fun for the mod. Then they announced a mapping contest. So decided to finish mine. Numerous late nights later i got it submittable. Tho i dont like my chances of winning. -map stuff- But a great learning experience.
Saw Borat. Heaps funny!
Work is busy as hell! Vista Exploded! buahhh