Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Surgery today

gotta have the broken cartliage removed from my knee... fun. Hope it goes okay.
Finally feeling like things are improving after extensive physio etc... only the physio was to make it all strong enough to handle the surgery. heh.

Livy's surgery went well. She woke up alright but was sore and tired, then had a few hours nap, then when woke up was almost bouncing off the walls :-) was great. Sore throat and all for a few days, but overall and great recovery.

Mikey has been sick as a dog with the flu tho, poor baby. Had a really high fever. Mostly okay now, thougha bit of a cough and a lotta runny nose.

Finally got to play Operation Acorn map on POE 2 with a nice big almost full amount of players on the tactical gamer servers. Looks good, if a smidgeon dark and the description/briefing text is missing. But oh well. Was nice to play a map i made with over 50 people on it. :-)
Even if i did score miserably, lol.
Anyone has BF2? Be sure to get point of existence 2 ver 1.7 @
Also the new release of the Project Reality mod is quite good too.