We have always wanted a dog since we got our new house. "We have a yard, we can get a dog now?!?!" but have for obvious reasons postponed any such move.
Well, Friday night i took livy to the video shop to get a movie. Snow Dogs is what we ended up with.
That night Kristina had a dream. A dream that we had a dog. The next morning she decided to time had come. We would surprise livy with a trip to the pound after dancing to save a dog from doggie death row. Obviously we had talked in the past, and talked on way there to livy insofar as rules, etc and only if we find the right dog etc and so forth.
So anyway, we found the right dog. A little 11 week old dog that is most likely half german shepherd, half black labrador. Ive always wanted a bigger dog, but am a little aprehensive regarding having a big dog now that there are kids in the mix. So we intend to train the dog well.
But of course being the RSPCA ... seems they have to come out to do a yard inspection and make sure it's big enough, that they have an appropriate kennel, and the fences are high enough etc.
That would be Monday. This was Saturday. Our fences arent quite high enough (retaining walls/sloped property makes for high fences one side, but low on the other... while those low are hig for the neighbour, etc) Sooooo. Sunday. Buy Kennel, Buy star pickets, buy wire cutters, buy wire mesh... use pickets, and mesh etc to raise fence by half a metre or so...
Fun... indeed
Come monday, inspection and all is well. Expected to pick up puppy wednesday (today) but they alredy sent him for the snippity snip desexing, so now, puppy is ready to get tuesday. Long lunch, early home to beat livy home from school for surprise of puppy a day early.
So, pictures.
Aaaand, the last few weeks were kinda chaotic. We had our kitchen redone. Fridge and microwave and dining table in the living room. hehhe. Now we have new cupboards etc. Two weekends ago, had to paint. I hate paining rooms. Done now tho.
Still need to get our flooring sorted out, new lino, or floating floors, or just for now relay the OLD lino? (tho since we have walls removed, the old lino has gaps where the old walls were...
But after rest of kitchen stuff and now all this puppy stuff, broke broke broke. So who knows. Maybe we'll have to use the old lino.
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