Exams coming up, STAT131 and ECTE182. Hate STAT131, statistics. bah. So far, running at, i think around 85% or so marks for the first 50% that's been done so far. So if i get 85% in the exam (worth 50%) i could manage a HD for this subject. Which would be nice, hoever i'll just be happy to put it behind me. Im not too confident tho, cos the last assignment i got like 76% and one of the lab tests i got 6/10 so im sure i wont manage the 85% in the final exam to keep my marks in HD territory. Fortunately i got 95% for my first assignment and the 6/10 test wont be counted for marks cos they take the top 3 scores of the 6 lab tests and disregard the rest, meaning that the 10/10, 9/10 and 8/10 get counted and the 2 7/10 and the 6/10 get ditched... but what worries me is that material will be in the final exam. Anyway, like i said, be glad to just put the subject behind me so a pass is enough, a HD or D is just gravy.
ECTE182 was so far a breeze. easy material, light workload. Tutorial class that runs for 15-20mins. No probs, again running at over 85% currently (not sure how far) the only stuff up was the final lecture quiz where i got 11/15 cos i forgot it was on and had skipped a previous lecture where most the material was covered. ooops. Most the answers there were educated guesses. Tho i saw the marks for my (tutorial) class. and the only score higher than mine was 12/15 the rest were like 6/10, 5/10 etc etc. Man.
So exams next week. The ECTE exam is worth 60%, eep, so i hope i do alright. It's mostly multiple choice and i get the impression it is largely questions in the same vein as the tut q's and lecture quiz q's in which case it should be fine. Still, a HD is not assured, but i'll be dissapointed if i dont get one... Mind you the only other ECTE class i have done is my only non HD mark so far, a D for that, and i bombed that exam cos before the exam i was running at roughly 90%'s on most other tasks for the subject. I got complacent thinking i knew what i needed to know for that exam and then realised i'd studied some wrongish topics... well anyway. Hopefully this one wont be like that, that one was essay type answers tho, this one will be MC and short answer.
Soooooooo enuff of that crap.
I had a birthday! And i finally got me a portable MP3 player. No, not an ipod! An iriver clix. Even better!
Basically if i were to get an ipod it'd be an ipod nano, cos anything bigger is too much money for a glorified walkman!
So as far as things go, were i to get an ipod the market niche that caters to me would be the nano. Small so carrying it aint a chore, cheaper cos the big ipods cost too much, flash memory cos i dont want a HD based one for wear and tear reasons, and i dont need/want huge drive space cos no ipod is big enough yet to hold ALL my mp3's (i have a lot) and if it wont hold all of em i dont want one that will hold 'most' of them cos all i do is pine for those last few GB. So a small one, for select songs etc is better for me.
So an ipod nano is what i need, but wait. The iriver clix is the same space as the base nano (2gb), can view pictures, comparable size (ie tiny) BUT has a bigger and brighter lcd screen, can play flash files, ie games, can play video... VIDEO!!, has an FM tuner, voice recorder, and can read text files, plus purportedly has a better quality sound and better quality screen.
The only downside is i cannot be used with a mac cos it uses stupid bloody windows media player plays for sure garbage and thus needs WMP to connect and synch to and so can only be used as a flash drive for windows.
Using a mac at work means mac compatability would be nice.
BUT compared to the other features, most importantly the ability to watch video (you gotta go big in the ipods for that feature - something i have used many a time to kill time before lectures etc watching family guy and southpark etc.) the mac incompatability pales in comparison to the extra features of the clix. So bleh on ipod. The clix rox! Very bloody happy. And it just might be enough to get me that extra few % marks in stat131 cos ive been listening to mp3's of past lectures on it too, hehe.
overclockers clix review;
Also for father day i scored a new phone!! wheee
finally have a camera phone. and it also plays music and can connect to internet and all of everything else. very feature packed. most happy. AAAND scored a 1Gb memory card for it for my birthday off the inlaws. who needs a thumbdrive? i can use my phone! (just need the right cable)
So now onto more important things, Mikey:
has started saying stuff and crawls like a hoon. And loves standing up, not walking yet, but loves to stand by climbing up on things or being held up by his hands. He dances little jigs.
The other night Kristina pointed at Livy and said 'whose that?' and he said "siss" which was petty much the first time he's said anything with an S sound. And says book, and dog and look and mum and dad and a bunch of other simple things.
And when he's annoyed he frowns and points at you and says "dohhhhhhhh"
And Livy is doing well, she was very chuffed cos she got 20/20 in a spellathon at school. Very proud of here effort, she spent a lot of time practicing and learning the words. But nowhere near as chuffed as she was when mikeys 'first word' was "sissy" hehehehe
In bad news, Nana is in hopsital with a sore back. And Kristinas grandmother died the other day, so tuesday we are off to Canberra for the day for a funeral.
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